duminică, 1 februarie 2015

Cautand un cadou pentru Sisea....

Am dat peste urmatorul produs: pat pentru pisica. Un produs cochet, dragut, interesant pentru o pisica. Nu prea scump, ar arata bine in casa, pisica s-ar bucura, ... etc.

Ce experiente neasteptate au avut pisicile cu proaspatul lor cadou? Citim la review. Primele doua comentarii le pun in lumina, astfel:

1 - prima pisica si-a prins capul in gaurele si a intrat in panica nemaiputand sa si-l retraga:

BEWARE! NOT FOR CATS OF ALL AGES!!! I just had the scare of a lifetime. I got this today and within a few minutes my 6 week old kitten got her head stuck in one of the openings. She was of course freaking out screaming and twirling. After several attempts to get her out we had to rush her to the vet. It took them about 5 minutes to get her out. They had to hold her head in a specific position in order to push one ear out then the other (during this time you can hear her screaming in the lobby area). Not a pleasant experience. I included photos. 

2 - a doua pisica n-a bagat in seama cadoul, preferand ambalajul. Tipic.

I really thought my cat would enjoy this, especially since he's a big fan of boxes. He totally ignored it in favor of the shipping box and the product box.
The quality is great. It's easy to put together, and it appears to be very durable. I just wish my cat would actually use it. :(

Ce sa zic. Nu se stie niciodata ce reactie va avea pisica la intentia ta buna :-)

Asa ca am ramas la un cadou traditional cu caracter utilitar. Cosul de cumparaturi, care va fi livrat pe 21 februarie, arata astfel:

Spre mirarea mea, oferta celor de la maxi-pet.ro este mai bogata decat ma asteptam. :) Sper ca Weedy sa fie multumita, de ziua ei .:)

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